2014년 10월 25일 토요일

Week 9. Refutation and Concession

1. What is my thesis?
To prevent some disasters, Information must be regulated in the internet.

2. What is the opposite position?

Information must be left to have freedom. (must not be regulated)

3. What arguments can I anticipate?

 freedom of expression
-it's a democratic society that guarantees freedom

4. How will I counter those arguments?
  -in such a limited set of conditions that some kinds of regulations are necessary

Refutation and Concession

It seems to be reasonable that the information regulation is necessary in the internet, according to the reasons that I displayed, but many opponents mainly insist that it's a democratic society today, that guarantees freedom and their freedom of expression should be fully granted. They make a resistance when the information they use are regulated and cite that the Court has ruled that the right to receive information 
prohibits a government from restricting a person from receiving information that others may wish or may be willing to impart to her. These opponents, however, are just worrying about their advantage and shortsighted. Although the constitution over many of the world has specified the 'freedom of expression', it does not mean the government should leave the internet until the citizens become in danger. In other words, the government not only have to guarantee the citizens' right of freedom, but also have to protect the citizens from the danger and have the responsibility to make a proper environment for the internet user. Even the Special Rapporteur, expert appointed by the Human Rights Council, specifies on his 2000 annual report that internet needs to have some kinds of restriction "on the ground that control, regulation and denial of access is necessary to preserve the moral fabric and cultural identity of societies is paternalistic, and presume to protect people from themselves”. Of course, regulation doesn't mean that the internet users don't have any freedom to express on the internet. It is just said that regulation is necessary for better internet environment and peaceful society.

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