2014년 10월 24일 금요일

Research: 10/24 Violent Behavior

Violent Behavior

My Topic:
The regulations on the information in Internet are necessary.

What I hope to learn from this source:
I want to find the examples that will help support my third argument of my confirmation.


  1. It is not only the criminals who access the negative information on the Web, but also children who are growing up in an ever-changing, complex society can now gain access to this information.
  2. 'The Nuremburg Files', the web site which advocates the murder of abortion doctors and lists the names and addresses of the abortion doctors. This information can provoke a reader to action.( the web site was taken to US court because it violated the first amendment)
  3. Muder Masscre at columbine high : On April 20th, 1999, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris walked into their high school and murdered 12 of their classmates, one teacher, and wounded 23, before killing themselves. The students who enjoyed the violent video game Doom and Quake, contacted with the website posting all of the negative information. Harris states 'All I wanted to do is kill and injure as many of you as l can, especially a few people. Like Brooks Brown' Also, he looked up how to make pipe bombs on the internet. Negative behavior turned into violent behavior by the two boys now proves that the Internet is a viable resource to find and act upon negative behavior. Negative behavior turned into violent behavior by the two boys now proves that the Internet is a viable resource to find and act upon negative behavior. 
  4. A study done by Time revealed that 75% of people feel that the Internet is to blame for the Columbine massacre.
  5. Because of pop culture, many behaviors are mimicked. Sports and TV figures are becoming role models, and along with that comes a sick wave of violent copying.
  6. Hundreds of schools have been hit with threats and violence before and after the Columbine incident (Time, May 31, 1999, 38). Just recently, a six-year-old child shot one of his classmates with a pistol belonging to his parents. The violence that is ruining families and destroying communities can be caused from an incident that produced positive reinforcement for negative behavior, stemming from the Internet.

Final Thoughts:
This source has several information for supporting that internet influences on people's violent behavior. These examples can be more reasonable in the case of US because these situation hardly happen in Korea. In Korea, sexual violence or school violence is prevailing,so I hope to find those examples.

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